In conclusion, more research must be done on the Catalpa Species and Genus as the evolution patterns of this genus is not very clear. Furthermore, during the industrial revolution and development of railroads in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century in Canada, these trees were used and planted in all parts of North America. This was significant in helping spread the catalpa species all over North America. The reason for this was the requirement of a strong hardwood to build railroads and fence posts which the Catalpa was good for. These trees play an important role in the ecosystem by helping with the Carbon cycle to keep the equilibrium around the ecosystem. The disadvantage of planting a Catalpa species is that they are usually infested with fungi and insects which may end up killing the tree. It was due to this reason that the railroad and fence posts were no longer used to produce fence posts and railroads. As a result, the Catalpa trees were becoming more and more neglected. This trend could be seen because most of the Catalpa sources and journal articles date back prior to 1980s.
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